My 2 setang's worth: I'm not real happy about this turn of events -- two major drag racing events on the same day (Souped-Up and the Thailand Championships). My concern is the SPORT of drag racing . . . not track/sponsor/magazine winners or losers. The only losers here will be the racers and fans. The SPORT of drag racing may be set back for a long time. There aren't enough cars even now for even one track to run a viable program with full fields, let alone two tracks . . . on the same day. This looks like a pissing contest to me. How welcome are the racers who shun the Thai Championships going to feel at BDA in the future? And visa versa? Will we be left with two underdeveloped drag racing universes in Bangkok after the race -- one at one track and the other at BDA. I fail to see how this benefits the SPORT of Drag Racing in Thailand . . . or the REAL RACERS. It has been said, "Racers and fans will have to make a decision." The truth is closer to, "Racers and fans are unnecessarily being FORCED to make a decision against their better interests." I don't see a problem about having two major drag racing events six months a part. Why on earth do they have to fight over one week-end out of the whole year. It's ridiculous and unnecessary. Maybe if NO RACERS show up at either event these "organizers" will get the message. Drag Racing is about Race Cars and Racers . . . NOT about the egos of promoters, magazines, and drag strips. Come on, get your act together . . . cooperate . . . . . for the benefit of the SPORT of Drag Racing . . . and drag racers. Let's try to cooperate so the whole SPORT GROWS in Thailand! Put your egos away. Think of the SPORT we all love. Dr. Jeff
I really think so, I think Drag racing is sport. If they don't have any racers how can they survive. I like to go both of them if I have time. Who gonna be negotiators to compromise these? I'm just a little boy who see what on earth happen.....;> Good Luck for Drag battle in Thailand.
bumps..for this thread. and another cry out from me bout this...... should be put out in the main Racing Forum though.
Thank you Souped-Up Thailand for thinking of the racers and postponing your race until late December. Now, if you would just add a "Super Bracket" (11.80 or 10.90) to your program I, and the other fast bracket racers, would be really happy. I think the spectators would really enjoy seeing race cars ACTUALLY RACING AGAINST EACH OTHER for a change! + Quote Reply