Guys, i need to insure my Supra with either number 2 or 3+ insurance, please can someone recommend a good insurance company here in Thailand. I had number 1 insurance with Viriyah but they will not give me number 1 insurance anymore (no idea why as i did not make a claim) Thanks
with my real ex, 3+ can not claim under below condition. - do not have any parties (Ex like me, i hit the shit truck and he ran away)
Actually, cars older than 7 years weren't allowed to continue their first class insurance. In some/few cases, with good records you can get the 1st class extended for ... around 5 or more years (12-15 years in total). I prefer Viriya compared to the rest
OK I will try and get 3+ with Viriya and see how much they want for that, can someone give me an idea how much that should be (more than B5000 or more than B10000)
Is number 3+ insurance OK or should I try and get someone to give me number 1 insurance, my last premium was over B50.000.00????
The 3+ class covers the damages only in case of accidents with other (by land) vehicles, of course, it means cars and motobikes and likes. If you are at fault you pay extra 2000 Bht -*-. btw: 2+ class covers, also, cases of loss and fire, like 1st's. Actually, 1st, 2+, 3+ are quite similar, different in only few minor details. Call the dealers, ask for price and details and then compare. Take the one that suits your need most.
Thanks for all the advice guys, I am looking forward to getting my car back to Phuket, given her a little makeover and driving her again in the High Season. I also hope to join some car rallies here in Phuket and hopefully one day join a Supra day day out in Bangkok + Quote Reply