Sponsership?? Race for thailand??

การสนทนาใน 'Karting' เริ่มโดย siwi05, 23 มีนาคม 2006

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  1. siwi05

    siwi05 Guest

    Hi im am planning to get into carting, my freind is a pro kart racer and is moving on to bigger machines. His name is James Grunwell and is a good freind. I have watched his career progress over the years, I was wondering if theres anyone out there who sponser a racer through all the stages?? is it hard to find sponsers?? how does it work?? I would love to make a living out of racing cars or bikes. Do you think i can do it in thailand?? i think i have potential... thanks for the help, would be much appreciated.
  2. Karter

    Karter Guest

    Sponsorship is hard to find in Thailand but not impossible. The first thing you have to do is to finance yourself for 1 or 2 seasons and prove that you have what it takes both on and off the track. When you have prove that then you can put together a proposal and find some connection with potential sponsor. Another way is to be very fast and try to get attention from a well sponsored team. In any case you have to find away to pay for your first season and if you are good enough, with a little luck you will be O.K.
  3. siwi05

    siwi05 Guest

    Thank you soo much, that has really helped. I now have a goal. I also have another question for you, If you became good at karting and moved up the ranks and had alot of sponser support, is it possible to be hired to drive for a team or transfered to an actual car class?? sorry if that question was not worded rite. Thank you for the info soo far..
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